Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Struggle Never Ends

Some struggles never end.  It seems that reproductive rights, and the guarantee of privacy for them will never be settled law or even common-sense attitude in this country.  The spoken-word piece below was originally written in 2004, but the name list has changed over time to reflect current dramatis personae.

God Has a Plan B

I have figured out why
Bush, Ashcroft, Rove and Falwell
Akin, Ryan, the Vatican and South Dakota
Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas
fear the woman with choice –
Because her god can beat their god
with one arm tied behind her back

Her god, my god has a Plan B.

My god is not foiled
by the knitting needle, the coat hanger
the pennyroyal, periwinkle, RU-486
or the compassionate physician.

My god does not stand helplessly by
wringing her hands and
whining to the next
Ghandi, Mother Teresa
Albert Einstein or Margaret Sanger
why they’ll never be born.
She just fills out a new boarding card
pats them on the head
and sends them on their way.

I have always known my limitations.
It is not for me to decide
which spirits will grace this earth.
But it is for me to decide
whether to invite them
into my body and into my life.
When the Great Mother comes knocking –
The answer can be no.

So to patriarchs everywhere –
Have a little faith in the powers that be.
Render unto God what is God’s -
But render unto Woman what is Woman’s.

Eileen McCabe-Olsen  04/26/2004 – 05/01/2004

2013 version  - change named people in the first stanza to Akin, Ryan, the Vatican and South Dakota

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